Server-side security is a good start for any business that's looking to protect valuable company data. However, this is only a starting point. If you really want to be sure that your data and infrastructure are protected, you need a network security management plan that offers widespread big-picture protection. Here's a look at some of the things that you'll need to think about when you're taking steps to establish a network security management plan.

Assess Your Weaknesses

Before you can establish any kind of network security plan, you need to know what your security weaknesses actually are. Start by assessing the data that your company stores to determine what data may be considered at high risk for unauthorized access. What data does your company have that could be valuable?

Once you identify that data, you need to determine which network resources store that data and which users have access to it. From there, you can establish a security plan that ensures controlled, regulated access to vulnerable network data.

Eliminate Internal Vulnerability

While many people focus on external threats when they think about network security, some of your biggest threats actually come from within. When you allow employees, clients, and others to bring devices of their own into your building and connect them to your network, they could be bringing a security threat into your building, whether knowingly or not. When you're ready to get serious about your network security, start by eliminating this internal vulnerability. Prohibit the use of personal devices on your company's network.

Another component of internal vulnerability that you may not have thought about is user identity validation. Make sure that you have a system in place to verify identities and ensure login security. Whether you opt for rolling login keys with a digital transponder or you establish stringent password protocols and two-factor authentication, make sure that only authorized individuals are gaining access to your network and its workstations.

Educate Your Staff

One thing you will find is that your security is only as strong as your staff members allow it to be. For that reason, part of your network security management should include extensive education for the staff members so that everyone not only understands the importance of network security but that they also understand the role that they play in that security.

The more information that your employees have about how to protect company data and network infrastructure, the easier it will be for them to do the right thing and avoid potentially dangerous mistakes. Take the time to provide education and reminders on a regular basis to keep everyone on top of the latest security considerations.

Establish a Backup System

Even the best security plan won't help you if you don't have a way to ensure that your data can be restored in the event of a catastrophic loss. A key part of your network security should include a routine backup system that automatically backs up your server data on a regular basis. Daily backups, at a minimum, should be run to ensure that you have a restore point every day in the event of a failure.

Consider redundant backup storage as well. Offering backup storage locally as well as on a secure cloud storage system will ensure that you can access your backup data no matter what happens to your network or your building.

Network security should be a priority for every business. Establishing a network security management plan is essential. If you're preparing to create a network security management plan for your company, use these tips to help you get started. Work with a network security management contractor for more help and to ensure that you get a comprehensive plan.
