Even with email and other online communication methods, every business still needs a land-line. This also means you need a business phone system, but more importantly, the right system. If you're looking for a new system for your business, make sure you know what factors to consider.  

Staff Responsibilities

When it comes to answering the phone, consider what type of responsibilities your team members have. For example, is there a dedicated receptionist always available during business hours or does the nearest available person answer? This is important because staff responsibilities help you understand what types of features are important.

If you have a receptionist, you probably don't need to invest in a system with an auto-attendant because the individual can take messages and route calls as necessary. However, if you don't have someone operating in this role then you do need an auto-attendant feature in order to ensure customers get in contact with the right person.

Future Growth

How will your business expand in the future? If you want to be cost-effective, business investments shouldn't just be designed to meet immediate needs, but also long-term needs. Take a business with 10 employees, for example. A regular two-line equipped system would likely be sufficient.

However, over the next two years they plan to expand to 100 employees. With a staff team this large, two lines would not be efficient. Instead of purchasing a two-line system and then having to upgrade in just two short years, it makes more sense to invest in a larger system on the front-end and just allow yourself to grow into it.

Communication Preference

Not all business phones are the same. Business phone systems primarily operate in two ways. There is a traditional phone exchange, where the phone system plugs into the hardware lines that run to the phone utility connection. There are also VOIP systems, or Voice Over Internet Protocol. This option relies on an internet connection to power the line.

A simple way to differentiate the two is to consider the traditional phone exchange as stationary and the VOIP as portable. With a traditional exchange, you only have access to the phone system when in the building. However, with VOIP, you can access your phone as if you were in the office anywhere you have an internet connection.

A phone specialist should be your go-to resource. In addition to meeting your installation needs, a specialist like Hi Country Wire And Telephone can also use their experience and expertise to ensure you are paired with the right system to meet your needs today as well as into the future.
